Weight Loss – Works for Me!
Hi folks,
Someplace on your blog I found something which talked about weight loss and the power of lemons and water. Don’t know where and I can’t find it, but I wanted to write to let you know this is working for me beautifully.
I have been taking one lemon (organic, of course) in a cup of very warm water. I do this before I eat and I find it cuts my appetite and I am not hungry.
To keep this going I have a string bag I carry around with me with my lemons. Going to a restaurant I squeeze my lemon into a cup and ask for a pot of hot water so I can pour the water into the cup.
When going to meetings and they serve those horrible cold cuts and bread that makes you want to throw-up, I squeeze my lemon into a glass and if they don’t have hot water I put in cold water and drink that.
Always a lemon in a glass or cup of water and I am set to go. Not only have I lost weight, but I look great and my energy level has increased dramatically. I don’t know if my energy level increase has come from the lemon in water or the weight loss, but for whichever one I am grateful.
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